Womansong New Start Fund
Applying for a Grant:
- Applications must be submitted by a government or private non-profit social service agency. The applicant must have a case manager and currently be receiving services from the agency submitting the request.
- Applications are not accepted from individuals.
- The applicant must be on a path to self sufficiency.
- The applicant must be a resident of Western North Carolina.
- Individuals may receive only one New Start Grant.
Please Note:
- Client names are needed for our records; however, names are kept in confidence.
- Grant checks are made payable directly to the appropriate vendor, not to the individual.
- Grants are NOT provided for medical expenses, childcare, Pell Grant repayment, or fines.
- Grants may be requested for such things as security deposits, rent, utilities, recovery housing, laptop computers for school, vehicle related expenses, and transportation, if such requests are essential needs for a new start.
- Grants may also be requested for education, training courses, and licenses that help an individual become more employable.
- Vehicle repair applications must include an itemized estimate from a reputable automotive repair shop. The applicant must own the vehicle and provide a valid driver’s license, current registration, and proof of insurance.
- The New Start Fund partners with Working Wheels for vehicle purchase.
- Applications for vehicle repair or purchase are considered only when the vehicle is required for current employment or school.
If you have questions regarding your client’s specific needs, please email: womansongnewstartfund@gmail.com