Press Materials


General Description

Womansong is Asheville’s oldest and largest women’s community chorus. Womansong performances are known for their high energy, pure entertainment, and unusual variety. The chorus’s eclectic repertoire includes songs from around the world as well as our own backyard, with several pieces composed by Womansong members. Lively accompaniment is provided by a variety of instrumentalists along with dancing and drumming. Womansong’s music and community efforts are grounded in the common spirit of women working and singing together. The chorus proclaims unity and honors cultural diversity with songs that celebrate many themes in women’s lives – empowerment, spirituality, healing, and humor. Proceeds from Womansong concerts support its New Start Fund.










Racial Justice

Affirming the rights of ALL people and demonstrating care and respect for everyone are key to Womansong performances and to our choir. Our shared, national history of white supremacy and horrific violence against black people, LGBTQ folks, native communities, women, and many other groups is at the heart of the civil unrest we’re experiencing. As Sweet Honey in the Rock sings, “Until the killing of black men, black mothers’ sons is as important as the killing of white men, white mothers’ sons,” we cannot rest. Until freedom comes for all of us, every one of us, then we who believe in freedom cannot rest. Right now, the most important chorus is the chorus of voices demanding justice. Womansong joins this call for justice.

Quotable Quotes

“We sing because we love to… and we sing because we can… and we sing for those who can’t… and we sing to honor the beauty of life within and around us!”
-Althea Gonzalez
“Goodness gracious that was a soul-stirring, world(s)-changing incredible beyond-the-beyond experience last night.”
-Deb Roberts
“Hearing your concert tonight makes me the happiest I’ve ever been to be a woman!”
“[Our director’s] greatest gift to me is that she reminds us of the gift we give others and each other by singing… reminding us that we are transforming the world with music!”
“The Womansong community is the most loving, committed, talented (and sometimes eccentric!) group of women I have ever been a part of.”
“…what a wondrous experience it was for everyone involved, both the audience and the performers! Every single soul present was touched by the enormity of the event.”
“Womansong demonstrates womanhood at it’s finest! I am so impressed with the quality of performance and dedication as well as the kindness, support, encouragement, and love shown to all by this group of women…. You all are truly demonstrating your highest self!”

Thank You

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We Are Grateful

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PO Box 61
Asheville, NC 28802

Copyright © 2023 | Womansong

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